Other Constants

The following constants are available globally.

  • Name of the notification sent when the reporter will be presented. The Buglife object will be posted with the notification so registered objects do not need to be referenced by the Buglife delegate. Objects that receive the notification can add their own context to the report via setStringValue:forAttribute:

    View controllers interested in this notification should consider registering in viewWillAppear: and unregistering in viewDidDisappear:. This way the context of both is available during a screenshot during a transition or segue, but view controllers further up the stack do not report irrelevant context.



    extern NSString *const _Nonnull LIFENotificationWillPresentReporter


    let LIFENotificationWillPresentReporter: String
  • Name of the notification sent when the user cancels a report. Objects that receive this notification may want to remove attributes previously set; they are not cleared by Buglife.



    extern NSString *const _Nonnull LIFENotificationUserCanceledReport


    let LIFENotificationUserCanceledReport: String
  • Name of the notification sent when the user successfully submits a report Objects that receive this notification may want to remove attributes previously set; they are not cleared by Buglife.



    extern NSString *const _Nonnull LIFENotificationUserSubmittedReport


    let LIFENotificationUserSubmittedReport: String